CS4GA District Implementation Workshop

Virtual Session

The district implementation workshops are designed to help district teams build an implementation plan for computer science. Using the CSForAll SCRIPT tool, we work with participants to explore various facets of implementing computer science.

Reading with a Researcher: CSEd Week

Virtual Session

Join us in celebration of CSEdWeek with a special virtual guest reader Direct to Discovery interaction. We'll be joined by GT faculty who will read technology-themed picture books, share about their day-to-day work as computer/technology professionals, and answer student questions.

STEM Career Talks: CSEd Week

Virtual Session

Join STEM@GTRI for a special Direct to Discovery interaction focused on careers in STEM in recognition of CSEd Week. Our guest speakers will share their experiences and journeys in CS careers, as well as share their advice for students as they think about their own futures. Time will be set aside for student Q&A -- so bring your questions!

STEM Career Talks: Black History Month

Virtual Session

Join STEM@GTRI for a special Direct to Discovery interaction focused on careers in STEM in celebration of Black History Month. Our guest speakers will share their experiences and journeys in STEM careers, as well as share their advice for students as they think about their own futures. Come prepared with questions! We will set aside time for students to ask questions live to our guest speakers about careers in STEM.

STEM Career Talks: Women’s History Month

Virtual Session

Join STEM@GTRI for a special Direct to Discovery interaction focused on careers in STEM in celebration of Women's History Month. Our guest speakers will share their experiences and journeys in STEM careers, as well as share their advice for students as they think about their own futures. Come prepared with questions! We will set aside time for students to ask questions live to our guest speakers about careers in STEM.

CS4GA Symposium (Tentative)

Virtual Session

Every year, the CS4GA Collective identifies an area of CS implementation that would benefit the students and school systems in the state and collects experts from industry, academia, and school systems to share their ideas and experiences on the topic. Previous event topics include: rural CS, CS as a fundamental literacy, and CS for all ages. The '24 theme has not been selected yet.

CS4GA Professional Learning Workshop

Virtual Session

Teachers are constantly improving their praxis. Computer Science teachers have a wide range of experiences and hail from a wide range of instructional paradigms. Some practitioners that teach computer science are media specialist, elementary gifted teachers, CTAE teachers, Math teachers, science teachers, AP teachers, IB teachers, etc. All these teachers actively seek new strategies for sharing computer science with their students within their context. Our PL Workshop is intended to something for everyone in this space. One day will be broad, with sessions for everyone. Another day will be focused on a particular theme or computing niche such as cyber or AI, again with activities and practices valuable to a wide range of teachers. This workshop will also co-locate with our district implmentation workshop so some educators will spend three days with us, building their computer science program.

ISTE Live 2024

Virtual Session
