Academic Partners Network
September 3, 2022 2023-02-05 20:13Academic Partners Network
Academic Partners Network
Given that our state’s academic institutions have many individuals, programs, and departments working on activities that are helping to advance CS education in our schools, we decided to bring interested academic partners into a networking group that could learn about each other’s efforts and identifies potential collaboration opportunities.
The Academic Partners Network(APN) has identified two areas of focus for collaborative efforts:
Conduct data analysis on key K-12 CS education research questions that would both help CS4GA understand the state of CS ed and also help the academic partners with their research inquiries. GTech’s Constellations Center for Equity in Computing is providing funding to GaDOE to hire interns to assist with the data analysis.
Partner with CS ed summer camp and after-school partners to study how their efforts could be expanded statewide through virtual solutions and to study the effectiveness of the solutions. We also would like to connect new CS teachers to these out-of-school experiences so that they can shadow experienced CS teachers to learn how to apply what they learned in their CS PD training.
CS4GA Current APN Members
Research Questions Currently Prioritized by the Academic Partners Network
- “Is there any data available on the CS-certified teachers? Distribution? Demographics?”
- “Can we have a breakdown of students that took the AP CS exams, with their scores? Breakdown by demographics, schools, counties, etc…”
- “Rank the school districts by how closely their demographics for CS students match their overall student body. What are the primary factors for the schools with the best/worst match in demographics.”
- “Influence of non-traditional CS exposure (integration into other non-CS courses) on enrollment”
- “Is there data to also give a breakdown of students that are taking dual enrollment CS courses?”