Is Your District Ready to Meet the SB 108 Mandate to Offer CS Courses in MS and HS?
If not, below are four easy steps to get there as well as some resources to help you. You can download a more detailed CS4GA District Planning Toolkit below.
Principals, teachers, media/digital specialists, counselors, and other relevant staff should be involved in planning and the first activity should be to organize all relevant district CS data
Use existing planning resources or create your own plan’s SCRIPT training is offered by GaDOE and GTech’s Constellations Center for Equity in Computing. You can learn more and sign your district team up for a training at the Constellations Center’s Implementation Workshop webpage.’s Administrator’s Guide for schools and districts can also be a helpful resource in planning.
Align with Standards: Ensure Your CS Plan is Aligned with CS
GaDOE has created a Computer Science Standards of Excellence page to help districts and teachers ensure that the curriculum and CS activities at their schools are aligned with Georgia’s CS Standards.
Vertically Align: Create HS Cluster Plans to Vertically Align
ES > MS > HS
To see an example from the Atlanta Public Schools on how they tried to organize and implement vertical alignment efforts in their High School cluster, CLICK HERE. We appreciated Dr. Brene’ Bradley from APS making it available to CS4GA.
Identify Quality CS Curriculum
Georgia is lucky to have a local CS teacher at Fayette County Schools, Chip Kramlich, who has developed a tool to help teachers and schools identify appropriate curricula. CLICK HERE to see his tool.
This site is a resources that provides support to educators, parents, and students to ensure access to computer science education to all students but especially students in underserved communities.
CEISMC provides intensive, innovative professional development to practicing teachers. CEISMC offers creative, highly engaging STEM in-school and extracurricular STEM experiences for K-12 students, while conducting research on effective STEM education practices.
CS for All Teachers is a resource that provides virtual communities for PreK-12 educators. It also provides resources to educators from PreK through high school who are interested in teaching computer science.