Curriculum Decision Matrix

Curriculum Decision Matrix

Below is a list of the computer science curriculum providers in Fayette County Schools.

BJC CodeHS CS50 Mobile CSP PLTW UTeach CSP
PD/Training 1 Week in-person w/ online component Online / In person seminars (Summer 2018 full) Online, self-paced 30-40 hour 4-Day in-person (Offered with Field of Dreams) 4-week in-person / online 2-week in-person 5-Day in-person
Lesson Plans Web Pages (Daily Plans) Web Pages Web Pages / Printable Web Pages by Module Web Based - Only accessible after training Online teacher guide - similar to student guide Plans available once training starts
License CC-NC-SA CC-NC-SA Purchase Sample CC-NC-SA Purchase CC-NC-SA
Courses Provided AP CSP K-8 courses AP CSP K-12 courses AP CSP; AP CS A; Web Design; Visual Programming AP CSP AP CSP 3 HS courses CS Essentials; AP CSP; AP CS A AP CSP
GA Courses Supported CSP / AP CSP IDT (Programming, Comp Basics only); CSP / AP CSP IDT (Programming, Comp Basics, Web Design); CSP / AP CSP; AP CS A; Web Design; PGAS (Partial); New Cybersecurity course CSP / AP CSP CSP / AP CSP IDT (Programming only); CSP / AP CSP; AP CS A CSP / AP CSP
Student Progress Uses EdX Student Progress tracking and grading for unit assessments Full gradebook, modifiable / configurable. Due dates, pre/post test summaries... Unable to determine w/o training Student tracking with comprehension questions only Student tracking with comprehension questions only Unable to determine w/o training
Auto-grading / plagiarism check No Partial (only with the start of new concepts) No plagiarism check Auto-grading for most assignments and plagiarism check and “Magic Grader” Project grading available via GitHub No No No
Programming Language(s) SNAP JavaScript JavaScript (AP CSP), Java (AP CS A), Other courses offered for other languages Scratch MIT App Inventor AP CSP - Scratch, MIT App Inventor, Python; AP CS A - Java - Android Studio Scratch, Processing
Works with Chromebook Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial due to external HW requirement Partial due to external HW requirement for AI and Android Studio doesn’t run on Chromebook Partial, Processing doesn’t run on Chromebook
Additional Software No (web-based programming) No (web-based programming) No (web-based programming) No (web-based programming) Yes - MIT AI Companion Yes, MIT AI Companion, Java, Android Studio Processing
Additional Hardware No No No No Yes - Android devices Yes - Android devices No
Question / Problem Banks Limited to AP Practice Limited to AP Practice Extensionable Question & Problem banks Limited to AP Practice Limited to AP Practice Limited to AP Practice Limited to AP Practice
Curriculum extendable inside environment? No No Yes No No No No
College Board Endorsed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Syllabus # for AP CSP 1648113v1 1648108v1 1667172v1 1658725v1 1648109v1 Only available with Training 1648112v1
CSTA Partner / Level Yes (Conference) Yes (Alliance) Yes (Alliance) No Via College of St. Scholastica No Yes (Conference)